Check Your Android Battery with These Three Methods!

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Baterai Androidmu Lemah? Cek Dulu dengan Tiga Cara Ini!
Baterai Androidmu Lemah? Cek Dulu dengan Tiga Cara Ini!

jlk – The battery serves as the primary foundation in maintaining the performance of your Android phone.

Its durability determines how long you can stay connected to the digital world without constantly searching for a power outlet.

However, like all things, batteries also have a limited lifespan.

Therefore, it’s important for you to regularly check the health of your battery.

Settings Menu

The first step you can take is through the ‘Settings’ menu. Simply open the menu and navigate to the ‘Battery’ option.

Here, you will be given a comprehensive overview of how your battery is being used.

You can see which apps are draining the most power and how long your battery lasts within the last 24 hours.

The information displayed may vary depending on the brand and model of your phone, with some models even offering additional data such as battery temperature.

Secret Dial Code

There’s also a more exclusive way to check the health of your battery, which is by using the secret dial code ##4636##.

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With this code, you’ll be directed to a hidden diagnostic menu that provides various information about your battery, such as charging level, temperature, and battery health.

However, it’s important to note that not all phones support this method.

Samsung Members

For those using Samsung phones, you can utilize the Samsung Members app.

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Inside this app, you’ll find a very useful diagnostic feature.

By opening the ‘Diagnostics’ menu and then selecting ‘Battery status’, you’ll be provided with detailed information about the health of your battery, including capacity and lifespan.

By regularly checking the health of your battery, you can more easily identify when it’s time to replace the battery.

This will also ensure that your phone is always ready to face all the activities you encounter daily.

So, don’t let a weak battery hinder your activities!

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