Easy Tricks to Check If Your WhatsApp Number Is Saved or Deleted by Others

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Cara Gampang Ngecek Apakah Nomor WhatsApp Kita Di-Save Atau Enggak Sama Orang Lain
Cara Gampang Ngecek Apakah Nomor WhatsApp Kita Di-Save Atau Enggak Sama Orang Lain

jlk – WhatsApp is a popular messaging application in Indonesia. Many people use WhatsApp to communicate with family, friends, colleagues, or even strangers.

However, have you ever wondered whether your WhatsApp number is saved or deleted by others? Do you want to know if others are interested in further interaction with you or not?

If yes, there are several easy tricks you can do to check it out. Here are some ways to find out if your WhatsApp number is saved or not by others easily and practically:

Check Profile Picture

The first thing you can do is to check the profile picture of the person. If on your WhatsApp, the profile picture of that person shows a default image or a gray silhouette, but on their WhatsApp, it shows a different picture, chances are that person hasn’t saved your number.

However, keep in mind that this method is not always accurate. It’s possible that the person has restricted who can see their profile picture. If you are one of those restricted, you won’t be able to see their profile picture.

Check WhatsApp Status

The second thing you can do is to check the WhatsApp status of the person. If their WhatsApp status appears on other people’s WhatsApp but not on yours, chances are that person hasn’t saved your number.

However, this method is also not always accurate. The person may have also restricted who can see their status. If you are one of those restricted, you won’t be able to see their status.

Check Broadcast Messages

The third thing you can do is to try sending a broadcast message. To do this, click the add icon in the WhatsApp application and select the “New Broadcast” option.

Then, add the person you want to know whether they have saved your number or not. Create a broadcast message and send it.

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If the person has saved your number, your broadcast message will be sent to them. If not, your broadcast message will not be sent to them.

This method is quite accurate because broadcast messages will only be sent to people who have saved your number. However, you should be careful in using this method, as the person may feel disturbed or suspicious of your broadcast message.

These are some ways to find out if your WhatsApp number is saved or not by others. Hope it’s useful and good luck trying!

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