6 Proven Market Penetration Strategies to Increase Your Market Share and Business Revenue

zajpreneur By zajpreneur
10 Min Read
6 Strategi Market Penetration yang Terbukti Meningkatkan Pangsa Pasar dan Omzet Bisnis Anda
6 Strategi Market Penetration yang Terbukti Meningkatkan Pangsa Pasar dan Omzet Bisnis Anda

Another strategy you can use for market penetration is expanding the distribution channels of your product or service, making it more accessible to consumers.

Collaborate with more retailers, distributors, or agents, or expand your online presence through an online store or e-commerce platform.

Choose the right distribution channels based on the characteristics of your product or service and consumer preferences.

Consider the costs, efficiency, and quality of the distribution channels you choose.

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An example of a company using distribution expansion strategies is Aqua, the largest bottled water brand in Indonesia.

Aqua has an extensive distribution network, ranging from street vendors, small shops, stores, supermarkets, to restaurants.

Additionally, Aqua offers a gallon water delivery service, making it convenient for consumers to get quality drinking water at home or the office.

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