Alaska: Whose is it Really?

zajpreneur By zajpreneur
7 Min Read
Alaska: Milik Siapa Sebenarnya?
Alaska: Milik Siapa Sebenarnya?

Despite selling Alaska to the US over a century ago, Russia still harbors ambitions to regain control of this territory.

Some Russian politicians, such as State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin and parliament member Oleg Matveychev, have called for Russia to reclaim Alaska from the US as a response to sanctions imposed by the US on Russia.

They argue that Alaska actually belongs to Russia and that the US should pay reparations to Russia for the damages caused by sanctions and wars.

Russia’s claim to Alaska is certainly unfounded and unrealistic, as Russia itself signed the treaty selling Alaska to the US in 1867 and has never revoked it.

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Furthermore, this claim is not supported by the people of Alaska, who mostly identify as US citizens and refuse to join Russia.

Even Alaska’s current Governor, Mike Dunleavy, mocked Russia’s claim by writing on Twitter, “Dear Russia, if you come here, you will get a knuckle sandwich.”

Whose Alaska Really Is It?

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