Alaska: Whose is it Really?

zajpreneur By zajpreneur
7 Min Read
Alaska: Milik Siapa Sebenarnya?
Alaska: Milik Siapa Sebenarnya?

From the above description, it can be concluded that Russia’s claim to Alaska is baseless and unrealistic. Alaska is part of the US, and nothing can change that.

Alaska holds strategic, economic, and cultural value for the US, and the US will not allow Alaska to be seized by another country, let alone Russia.

Alaska also has the right to determine its own fate, and the majority of its population chooses to remain with the US, not Russia.

However, the more important question is, does Alaska really belong to anyone? Wouldn’t it be wiser if we respect the rights of Alaska’s indigenous people, who have lived there for thousands of years and have a close relationship with the land and the environment?

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Wouldn’t it be smarter if we preserve Alaska, one of the last places in the world with extraordinary natural beauty and home to various unique flora and fauna?

Wouldn’t it be better if we appreciate the diversity of Alaska, which is a blend of various cultures, traditions, and fascinating histories?

Perhaps the most appropriate answer is that Alaska belongs to no one but all of us.

Alaska is a shared heritage that we must preserve and enjoy together, without the need for competition or conflict.

Alaska is a symbol of the richness, beauty, and wonders of the world, which we should be grateful for and proud of. Alaska is Alaska, and nothing else.

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