How to Check WiFi Being Used by Others Via Mobile Phone, Easy and Fast

2 Min Read
Cara Cek WiFi yang Dipakai Orang Lain Lewat HP, Mudah dan Cepat
Cara Cek WiFi yang Dipakai Orang Lain Lewat HP, Mudah dan Cepat

jlk – WiFi technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, allowing hassle-free internet access without cables.

However, with this convenience also comes the risk of bandwidth theft by irresponsible parties, which can slow down our internet connection.

To protect the WiFi network from theft, it is important to know who is using the connection. The process is actually quite simple.

We just need to access the IP address of the router or WiFi modem through the browser on our smartphones. This IP address is usually listed on the bottom or back of the router or modem device.

After successfully accessing the IP address, the next step is to enter the appropriate username and password.

This information can also be found on the router or modem device, or can be searched on a search engine by typing the brand and model of the device.

Once logged in to the router or modem settings page, we will find a list of devices connected to the WiFi network. Typically, this list is located in the “WLAN” or “Wireless” menu.

If there are any unknown devices, we can immediately secure them by changing the WiFi password.

By following these steps, we can ensure that the WiFi network is only used by authorized devices.

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This not only protects the security of the network but also improves the speed and stability of our internet connection.

Hopefully, this information about how to check WiFi being used by others via a mobile phone is beneficial to you.

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