Tips for Dealing with WiFi Connected but No Internet

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Tips Mengatasi Masalah WiFi Tidak Bisa Terhubung ke Internet
Tips Mengatasi Masalah WiFi Tidak Bisa Terhubung ke Internet

jlk – Surely, you’ve experienced the frustrating moment when even though your gadget is connected to WiFi, you can’t access the internet.

This situation can be a hindrance when you need internet access for work, studying, or simply browsing the web.

The issue of WiFi being connected but no internet can be caused by various factors, ranging from network disruptions to problems with your router or modem.

However, don’t panic! Here are some steps you can try to troubleshoot this issue.

Restart Router or Modem

The first step that often works is to restart your router or modem.

By performing a restart, you can fix the problematic internet connection.

Simply press the power button of the device for a few seconds, wait for a moment, then turn it back on.

Make sure the device indicator lights up steadily after the restart process.

Reboot Through Router or Modem Settings

If a simple restart doesn’t fix the problem, you can try rebooting through the settings of your router or modem.

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Access the settings page of the device through your browser by typing the IP address usually located at the bottom or back of the device.

Once logged in, look for the “System Tools” menu and select the “Reboot” option.

Turn Off and Turn On WiFi or Airplane Mode on Your Gadget

The last step you can take is to turn off and turn on the WiFi or airplane mode feature on your gadget.

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This way, you can reconnect the lost or disconnected WiFi internet connection on your device.

Also, make sure to re-select the WiFi network used or delete and re-add it in the gadget settings.

By trying out the above steps, hopefully, you can resolve the issue of WiFi being connected but no internet.

Enjoy a smooth and stable internet connection for your daily activities. Good luck!

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