6 Proven Market Penetration Strategies to Increase Your Market Share and Business Revenue

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6 Strategi Market Penetration yang Terbukti Meningkatkan Pangsa Pasar dan Omzet Bisnis Anda
6 Strategi Market Penetration yang Terbukti Meningkatkan Pangsa Pasar dan Omzet Bisnis Anda

Another strategy for market penetration is conducting intensive promotions and advertising to increase consumer awareness and interest in your product or service.

You can use various media, such as print, television, radio, online, and social media, to convey the message and benefits of your product or service.

Ensure that your promotions and advertising align with your target market, segmentation, and the positioning of your product or service.

Make sure your promotions are creative, engaging, informative, and comply with applicable rules and norms.

An example of a company using intensive promotion and advertising is Gojek, the largest online transportation, logistics, and lifestyle service provider in Indonesia.

Gojek frequently promotes and advertises through various media channels to introduce and educate consumers about its various services, such as GoRide, GoFood, GoPay, and others.

Moreover, Gojek often provides promotions, cashback, or vouchers to attract consumers to use its services.

Distribution Expansion

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