7 Kings Who Changed the World: Unforgettable Stories of Leadership

zajpreneur By zajpreneur
4 Min Read

jlk – In a world full of leadership that is often drier than plain bread without jam, let’s dive into the stories of seven kings who ruled with more luster than a diamond crown.

From Alexander the Great to Henry the…well, let’s just call him ‘enthusiastic about marriage’, here is a list of kings who not only changed the world map, but also the way we look at history books.

Alexander the Great: The youth who never heard the word ‘enough’ in his life. With ambitions as grand as his kingdom, Alexander combined his hobbies of exploring with a penchant for conquest, making him the original ancient influencer.

Imagine him posting on social media: “Conquered Persia today, tomorrow? Maybe discover a new Starbucks.”

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Genghis Khan: The man who proved you don’t need to come from a royal family to build an empire.

From a small tribal leader to the ruler of the largest empire ever, Genghis is proof that with the right strategy and a little fear, you can get anything. Except maybe the ‘Friendliest Leader’ award.

Ramses II: The king who built more monuments than the average number of selfies a teenager takes in a day.

Ramses, or ‘Instagrammable Ramses’, ruled Egypt with an iron fist and a love for architecture that makes today’s influencers look amateurish.

Charlemagne: Charles the Great, or ‘Chuck’ to his friends, was the king who decided Europe was too messy and needed some organization.

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With modern ideas and a love for literacy, he was the founder of Europe’s first Book Club, with exclusive members like the Pope and a few other kings.

Louis XIV: The Sun King, who ruled by the principle of ‘more is more’. With the Palace of Versailles as proof of extreme opulence, Louis was the trendsetter for all influencers who want to ‘live large’. Sadly, he also proved that too many parties can cause a historical hangover, also known as the French Revolution.

Henry VIII: Ah, Henry. The king who took the term ’till death do us part’ a little too literally.

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With six wives and some rather…permanent break-up policies, Henry was the pioneer of royal reality shows. If only TV existed back then, he’d have his own series: ‘The Bachelor: Tudor Edition’.

Cyrus the Great: Last but certainly not least, Cyrus built an empire so vast that even Google Maps would have trouble tracking it.

As the hero of the Persian Empire, he was proof that sometimes, being kind to others (and a little conquest) is the key to success.

So while we may not be able to go back in time for a selfie with these kings, we can learn from them that great leadership requires more than just a heavy crown.

It takes courage, intelligence, and maybe a little sense of humor. And who knows? Maybe one day your name will be on this list, among the most popular kings in the history of human civilization.

Just remember to share the wealth with your people, or you might get your own revolution.

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