Nikola Tesla vs Thomas Alva Edison: Who’s Greater?

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Kenapa Nikola Tesla Kurang Populer dibandingkan Thomas Alva Edison?
Kenapa Nikola Tesla Kurang Populer dibandingkan Thomas Alva Edison?

jlk – Nikola Tesla and Thomas Alva Edison are two big names in the history of invention. Both contributed significantly to the development of electrical technology, radio, and various other fields.

But who’s greater between the two? And why isn’t Tesla as popular as Edison?

Tesla: The Forgotten Genius

Nikola Tesla was born in Serbia in 1856. He was a genius with extraordinary talents in physics, mathematics, and engineering.

He also had a vivid imagination, allowing him to conceive and visualize his inventions without needing to sketch or model.

Tesla worked for Edison in 1884 when he moved to the United States. He was tasked with redesigning Edison’s direct current (DC) generator to make it more efficient. Tesla successfully completed the task, but Edison didn’t fulfill his promise to pay Tesla $50,000 as compensation. Tesla resigned and formed his own company.

Tesla then competed with Edison in the war of electric currents. Tesla developed the alternating current (AC) system, which proved superior to Edison’s DC system. Tesla also collaborated with George Westinghouse, a businessman who supported AC technology. In 1893, Tesla and Westinghouse secured the contract to supply electricity at the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago, dealing a heavy blow to Edison.

Tesla was also known as a visionary inventor, daring to explore ideas that had never been conceived before. He created the Tesla coil, capable of producing high voltage and high frequency. He also experimented with electromagnetic waves, X-rays, and wireless transmission. He even designed a system for wireless transmission of sound, images, and moving pictures, laying the groundwork for radio, television, and the internet.

However, Tesla faced many hardships in his life. He often lacked funding, failed to obtain patents, and lost support from investors. He also suffered from mental disorders such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, phobias, and hallucinations. He died in poverty and loneliness in 1943, without receiving adequate recognition for his work.

Edison: The Successful Entrepreneur

Thomas Alva Edison was born in the United States in 1847. He was a smart and tenacious entrepreneur, with talents in business, marketing, and management. He also had a high spirit of seeking and developing new inventions.

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Edison is known for inventing the light bulb, phonograph, and motion pictures. However, he wasn’t actually the first to invent these things. He’s more accurately described as the one who perfected and popularized these inventions. He also had a team of researchers working under his guidance, assisting him in obtaining over 1,000 patents.

Edison was also known as a successful businessman, capable of building and managing various companies. He also had clever strategies in competing with his rivals like Tesla and Westinghouse. He often engaged in negative campaigns, propaganda, and sabotage to undermine their reputations and products.

Edison passed away in 1931, leaving behind a significant legacy to the world. He is revered as one of the greatest inventors and entrepreneurs of all time. He also received numerous awards and honors, such as the Congressional Gold Medal, Nobel Prize in Physics, and the electrical unit named after him, the Edison unit.

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Nikola Tesla and Thomas Alva Edison were two great inventors who made significant contributions to technological advancement. However, they also had striking differences in their thinking, work styles, and fates.

Tesla was a visionary genius who dared to pursue unprecedented ideas. However, he also faced many difficulties in realizing and marketing his inventions. He didn’t receive the awards and recognition commensurate with his work.

Edison was a clever and tenacious entrepreneur who excelled in perfecting and popularizing new inventions. However, he often engaged in unethical and dishonest practices in competing with his rivals. He gained significant profits and honors for his inventions.

So, who’s greater between the two? The answer may depend on individual perspectives and criteria. But one thing’s for sure, both are figures worthy of appreciation and respect for their contributions to the world.

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