Real Estate Business for Beginners: 6 Things You Should Know Before Venturing into the Real Estate Business

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Market Validation: Cara Cerdas Menguji Kelayakan Ide Bisnis Sebelum Diluncurkan
Market Validation: Cara Cerdas Menguji Kelayakan Ide Bisnis Sebelum Diluncurkan

SWOT analysis is a tool that helps you identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in your real estate business.

With a SWOT analysis, you can evaluate your business performance, identify factors influencing your business, and formulate strategies to improve your business.

SWOT analysis consists of four elements:

Strengths: Internal factors that give your business an advantage over competitors. Examples of real estate business strengths include strategic property locations, good property quality, competitive property prices, friendly customer service, etc.

Weaknesses: Internal factors that put your business at a disadvantage compared to competitors. Examples of real estate business weaknesses include limited property capital, unattractive property designs, ineffective property marketing, unprofessional property management, etc.

Opportunities: External factors that provide opportunities or potential for your business to grow and develop. Examples of real estate business opportunities include increasing demand for properties, market trends that align with your properties, government regulations supporting real estate, convenient technology, etc.

Threats: External factors that pose challenges or obstacles to your business growth. Examples of real estate business threats include intense property competition, economic crises affecting the market, natural disasters damaging properties, social issues disrupting properties, etc.

To conduct a SWOT analysis, use brainstorming methods that encourage creative and critical thinking without limitations or restrictions. Involve your team or individuals related to your business, use media such as paper, whiteboards, or online applications to record and group your ideas.

After creating a SWOT analysis, use the results to formulate strategies that can improve your business. Use the TOWS method, which combines SWOT elements to create optimal strategies. There are four types of strategies you can create with the TOWS method:

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SO Strategy: Utilize your strengths to maximize opportunities. Examples include expanding market reach using social media or improving property quality following market trends.

WO Strategy: Minimize weaknesses by leveraging opportunities. Examples include increasing property capital by partnering with investors or enhancing property marketing by following government regulations.

ST Strategy: Use strengths to overcome threats. Examples include maintaining competitive property prices by improving property quality or retaining customer loyalty through friendly customer service.

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WT Strategy: Minimize weaknesses to avoid threats. Examples include reducing the risk of property damage by purchasing insurance or reducing the risk of transaction cancellations by creating clear contracts.

By creating a SWOT analysis and TOWS strategies, you can understand your current business position and determine the direction of your business going forward.

Create a Realistic and Measurable Business Plan

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