What Prestige Really Means: A Viral Term on TikTok Often Misunderstood

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Apa Makna Sebenarnya Prestise: Istilah Viral di TikTok yang Sering Salah Kaprah
Apa Makna Sebenarnya Prestise: Istilah Viral di TikTok yang Sering Salah Kaprah

Kisanak, TikTok, an app that allows us to create short videos, music, and various filters.

TikTok also serves as a platform for us to follow viral trends, such as challenges, dances, pranks, or memes.

However, behind the fun of TikTok, there are also terms that may confuse us, one of which is “prestige”.

Before we delve further into the prestige in the context of TikTok, it’s good to first understand what prestige means in general.

According to the Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), prestige is the authority (aura) related to someone’s achievements or abilities.

For example, a doctor known for his expertise in handling difficult patients surely has high prestige in the eyes of society.

Meanwhile, according to sociology, prestige is the social status, honor, and position held by an individual in their daily life.

For example, a president respected and revered by his people surely has high prestige in the eyes of the world.

From the two definitions above, we can conclude that prestige is something related to the recognition, appreciation, and influence held by someone because of their abilities, skills, or position.

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Prestige can also be considered as a symbol or sign of the quality or value possessed by someone.

Prestige According to TikTok

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