When Dusk Beckons: A Monologue on Loss

3 Min Read
Ketika Senja Menyapa: Sebuah Monolog tentang Kehilangan
Ketika Senja Menyapa: Sebuah Monolog tentang Kehilangan

jlk – There is something profoundly poignant about death. It’s not just the fact that someone is gone, but also what they leave behind. Loss. That is the most fitting word to describe what we feel.

Imagine a home. Once filled with laughter and stories, now it stands silent. Like a ship abandoned in the middle of the ocean, adrift without direction. That’s the picture I see after someone passes away.

But, what cuts deepest?

Perhaps you might think it’s when we confront their belongings. Items that were once part of their lives. Like clothes still hanging in the closet, or a favorite book left open to the last page they read. These items are like gentle whispers from the past, reminding us of the person who has departed.

Or maybe, what’s most heart-wrenching is when we gaze upon their photographs. Seeing the smiles on their faces, and realizing that those smiles we’ll never see again. The photos are like windows to the past, allowing us to peek into moments that once were.

However, for me, what’s truly heartbreaking isn’t the belongings or the photographs. It’s the acknowledgment of reality. The reality that they will never return. The reality that all that’s left are memories.

When someone passes away, they leave a void in our hearts. A void that can’t be filled by anyone or anything. And that’s what’s truly heartbreaking.

But, like the sun setting at the end of the day, we must embrace this reality. We must learn to live with loss. Because, like dusk beckoning us at day’s end, death is an inseparable part of life.

So, let’s cherish every moment we have. Let’s cherish every laugh, every tear, and every memory. Because, in the end, that’s what we have. That’s what makes us human.

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And perhaps, just perhaps, we can find a little peace in loss. Because, like the beautiful dusk, there is beauty in every goodbye.

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