8 Effective Ways to Create a Market Plan for Startup Businesses to Grow Quickly

zajpreneur By zajpreneur
11 Min Read
8 Cara Efektif Membuat Market Plan untuk Bisnis Startup agar Cepat Berkembang
8 Cara Efektif Membuat Market Plan untuk Bisnis Startup agar Cepat Berkembang

The first and most important step in creating a market plan is to define your business vision and mission.

Vision is a broad picture of what you want to achieve in the future. The mission is a brief statement explaining the goals and values of your business.

Your business vision and mission should be specific, realistic, and in line with your business idea. They will serve as the foundation for determining your marketing goals and strategies.

For example, if your business vision is to become the largest e-commerce platform in Indonesia, your mission could include how you provide quality products, affordable prices, and the best service for customers.

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2. Identify Your Target Market

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