What Prestige Really Means: A Viral Term on TikTok Often Misunderstood

zajpreneur By zajpreneur
7 Min Read
Apa Makna Sebenarnya Prestise: Istilah Viral di TikTok yang Sering Salah Kaprah
Apa Makna Sebenarnya Prestise: Istilah Viral di TikTok yang Sering Salah Kaprah

Now that we know the general meaning of prestige, let’s discuss what prestige means in the context of TikTok.

TikTok, as one of the most popular social media platforms today, certainly has a significant influence on lifestyles, cultural trends, and the prestige of its users.

On TikTok, we can see various videos showcasing a wide range of things, from funny, creative, inspirational, to controversial content.

One thing we often see on TikTok is videos featuring luxurious lifestyles, branded items, exotic places, exciting activities, or famous people.

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Videos like these usually receive a lot of likes, views, comments, and shares from other TikTok users.

These videos are also often used as references, inspiration, or motivation by other TikTok users to improve their quality of life.

This is where the term “prestige” comes into play. This term is often used by TikTok users to refer to something that should be proud of or something that can enhance someone’s social status.

For example, someone who owns luxury watches, sports cars, luxurious homes, or celebrity friends can be said to have high prestige.

Someone who can vacation abroad, party at nightclubs, shop at famous malls, or take photos with important people can also be said to have high prestige.

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Thus, prestige in the context of TikTok can be interpreted as something that can indicate that someone has a luxurious, attractive, and popular lifestyle.

Prestige can also be considered as something that can attract a lot of attention, admiration, and followers on social media.

Prestige can also be considered as something that can make someone feel more confident, happy, and satisfied with themselves.

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Is Prestige Important?

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