Understanding Various Property Fraud Schemes and How to Prevent Them

8 Min Read
Mengenal Berbagai Modus Penipuan Properti dan Cara Mencegahnya
Mengenal Berbagai Modus Penipuan Properti dan Cara Mencegahnya

Hi Kisanak, a house is one of the basic needs of humans. A house is where we seek shelter, rest, and bond with family.

A home symbolizes prosperity, happiness, and harmony. It’s no wonder that many people dream of owning their own home, whether it’s a simple house or a luxurious one.

Victims often face various problems, ranging from legal disputes, threats of violence, to psychological trauma. Victims also have to bear shame and guilt, feeling like they’ve failed in taking care of their families.

Property scammers are articulate and skilled individuals. They employ various schemes to ensnare victims, typically those who lack the knowledge and skills to handle property transactions legally.

Here are some common property fraud schemes:

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