China: Superpower or Sibling State?

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Tiongkok: Negara Adikuasa atau Negara Adik Usaha?
Tiongkok: Negara Adikuasa atau Negara Adik Usaha?

Soft power is the ability of a country to influence other countries through the attractiveness of its culture, ideology, and diplomacy, without using threats or coercion.

Soft power is an important factor in determining a country’s position as a superpower because it can enhance the image and influence of that country in the eyes of the world.

China has been trying to enhance its soft power through various ways, such as promoting Chinese culture and language, organizing sports and arts events, providing aid and investment to developing countries, and participating in international organizations.

China has also launched the Belt and Road Initiative, aimed at building infrastructure networks and economic cooperation between China and more than 60 countries in Asia, Europe, Africa, and Latin America.

However, China’s soft power is still weak and limited compared to the United States or other Western countries.

China still lacks a universally appealing cultural appeal, as Chinese culture and values are often seen as foreign and difficult to understand by non-Chinese people.

China also lacks an attractive and acceptable ideology for other countries, as China’s political and social system is often seen as authoritarian and undemocratic.

China also lacks effective and trustworthy diplomacy, as China’s foreign policy is often seen as aggressive and threatening the sovereignty of other countries.

Moreover, China also faces criticism and suspicion from other countries, especially concerning issues such as human rights, democracy, freedom of the press, and social justice.

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China also faces challenges in building a positive image and increasing its influence in the international world because many countries feel threatened or uncomfortable with China’s rise.


From the above description, it can be concluded that China has the potential to become a superpower, but still faces various challenges and obstacles that need to be overcome.

China needs to undertake reforms and changes in various aspects, such as economics, military, and soft power, to be accepted and respected by other countries as a superpower.

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However, one thing to remember is that becoming a superpower is not the ultimate goal that a country should achieve.

The ultimate goal should be to create prosperity and happiness for its people, and to contribute positively to the peace and progress of the world.

Therefore, China should not focus too much on the ambition of becoming a superpower, but rather focus on efforts to improve the quality of life of its people and build good relations with other countries.

We close this article with a quote from Sun Tzu, an ancient Chinese philosopher and military strategist: “The greatest victory is to win without fighting.”

May China and the United States, as well as other countries, understand and apply the wisdom of this quote in their relations and interactions in the international world.

Thank you for reading and may it be beneficial, Kisanak.


  • “China to overtake US as world’s biggest economy by 2028, report predicts” – The Guardian, December 26, 2019.
  • “China’s Military Power: A Net Assessment” – United States Department of Defense, 2020.
  • “China’s Soft Power in Africa: Opportunities and Challenges” – The Diplomat, October 22, 2021.
  • “What Makes a Country a Superpower?” – Investopedia, January 22, 2022.
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