Many Don’t Have Homes, What’s the Solution?

zajpreneur By zajpreneur
3 Min Read
Banyak yang Gak Punya Rumah, Gimana Solusinya?
Banyak yang Gak Punya Rumah, Gimana Solusinya?

Kisanak, This time, we’re going to discuss a rather serious issue, which is the large number of people who don’t yet have homes.

But don’t worry, we’ll try to discuss it in a relaxed and straightforward manner, so you don’t have to worry about getting confused!

First of all, let’s talk about the government’s role in providing affordable housing.

The government has an obligation to provide decent housing at affordable prices. However, the pandemic that originated in Wuhan, China, at the end of 2019, and quickly spread to hundreds of countries around the world, including Indonesia, has slowed down efforts to provide subsidized housing for low-income communities.

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However, despite facing challenges, the government continues to strive to achieve the targets of the One Million Homes Program (PSR).

One of the strategies being pursued is to encourage the utilization of government or state-owned land. Additionally, the government is also promoting the development of transit-oriented development (TOD) based apartment complexes to facilitate community mobility.

Now, speaking of houses, we definitely can’t leave out home loans. But, how can we make the home loan process less daunting? There are several ways!

One of them is by applying for a home loan without a down payment. This program has been warmly welcomed because it brings fresh air and new hope to the community, especially low-income households.

Additionally, there is also the option of in-house financing, where the home purchase agreement only involves two parties: the developer as the seller and the debtor as the buyer.

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Finally, we will discuss a creative solution to address the housing shortage problem, which is co-living.

Co-living is short for communal living, which is a modern form of communal living where residents have private bedrooms in furnished homes with shared common areas.

Co-living is currently popular in large cities as an affordable way of living for students, university students, workers, or individuals who often move from one area to another.

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With the concept of sharing living space, experiences, and homes, co-living becomes a comfortable and practical solution for many people.

So, those are some solutions to address the problem of many people who don’t yet have homes. Hopefully, this information is useful and can provide inspiration for all of us.

See you in the next article, Kisanak.

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