How Land Mafia Like Parasites Are Gnawing at the Property World

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Hi Kisanak, Property is one of the most sought-after assets by many people. Besides being a place of residence, property can also be a source of income, investment, or even social status. However, behind the charm of property, there is a lurking threat, namely the land mafia.

The land mafia is a term used to refer to groups or individuals who engage in illegal practices related to the control, ownership, or transfer of land rights.

They usually use cunning, manipulative, or even violent methods to profit from land that is not rightfully theirs.

The land mafia is not a new phenomenon in Indonesia. For a long time, land disputes, document forgery, forced evictions, or even land-related murders have continued to occur in various regions.

Victims of the land mafia are not only ordinary citizens but also public figures, such as former ambassador Dino Pati Djalal and actress Nirina Zubir.

Causes of the Proliferation of Land Mafia in Indonesia

According to the KPA website, the land mafia exists for various reasons, such as low supervision, weak law enforcement, and closed land trading practices.

In addition, land is one of the investment instruments with staggering economic value, which is also one of the causes of the proliferation of the land mafia.

One of the main factors triggering the proliferation of the land mafia is the low ownership of land certificates in Indonesia.

According to BPN data, only about 60% of land in Indonesia has been certified. The rest are still in the status of customary land, state land, or other rights land that do not have valid ownership proof.

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Uncertified land becomes an easy target for the land mafia to seize in various ways.

They can exploit legal status ambiguity, owner ignorance, or even violence to take over the land. Without a certificate, proving land ownership claims becomes difficult.

Furthermore, the land mafia also exploits legal loopholes and bureaucracy in Indonesia. They can collaborate with individuals working in government agencies, courts, or law enforcement to facilitate their illegal processes. They can obtain information, documents, or protection from these individuals.

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Another factor causing the proliferation of the land mafia is the high demand for land, especially in strategic areas, urban areas, or areas undergoing development.

The land mafia sees significant profit potential in these lands, so they try to control them through various means, both legal and illegal.

How the Land Mafia Operates in Indonesia

In their actions, the land mafia employs various methods to profit from land, sometimes through unlawful means.

In practice, they do not work alone but collaborate with other professions and decision-makers at the government level.

Who are the individuals potentially involved in land mafia practices? However, it should be understood that not all individuals in these professions engage in such practices.

To help you be more vigilant and recognize the signs, here are five individuals often involved in land mafia practices.

BPN Officials. The National Land Agency (BPN) is responsible for managing land certificates. However, there are BPN employees who exploit their positions for personal gain. They may complicate the certification process or even forge documents to profit. Therefore, make sure to deal directly with official BPN and avoid third parties offering acceleration services.

Lawyer Figures. Some unethical lawyers may exploit their clients for personal gain or even directly engage in land mafia practices. They may provide incorrect advice, manipulate documents, or collaborate with others to profit from your land. Always choose lawyers with good reputations and trustworthiness.

Notary Figures. Notaries and PPATs (Land Deed Officials) play a crucial role in land transaction processes. They are responsible for ensuring that all legal documents and transaction processes are conducted correctly. However, some individuals may exploit their positions to forge documents or certificates. They may collaborate with others or even create fake certificates. Always choose notaries or PPATs with official licenses and good reputations.

Sub-District Officials. As local government officials, sub-district officials have access to various information about land in their area. These individuals may exploit this information for personal gain, such as by selling land that does not belong to them or manipulating land data. It is important for you to always verify the authenticity of documents and information provided by sub-district officials.

Village Head Figures. At the village level, village heads may exploit their authority to control residents’ land or transfer it to other parties. By controlling information and documents, these individuals can profit from the land. Therefore, always consult with local residents and ensure that your transactions are free from intervention.

In addition to collaborating with the above individuals, the land mafia also employs various modus operandi that are often difficult for victims to detect. Here are some common fraud schemes used by the land mafia:

Document Forgery. One common method used by the land mafia is to seek legality through the judicial system. They may attempt to file lawsuits claiming ownership of land, hoping that the original landowners will lose spirit or lack enough evidence to defend their land.

Certificate Forgery. The land mafia is often known for their expertise in forging or manipulating land documents. They may alter details in certificates or even create fake certificates for land they do not actually own. Through this manipulation, they try to convince buyers or others that they have rights to the land.

Power of Attorney Forgery. In some cases, the land mafia forges power of attorney documents to deal with land rights. They may impersonate the original landowner and claim to have been given authority to manage or even sell the land. This forgery allows them to conduct land transactions without the knowledge of the original owner.

Deed Forgery. Deeds contain records of land and the buildings on them. The land mafia may forge deeds to show that they have rights to the land. They may alter details in deeds or even create fake deeds for land they do not actually own.

Forced Eviction. In some cases, the land mafia uses violence or intimidation to evict the original landowners. They may threaten, force, or even commit acts of violence to take over the land. These forced evictions are often done quickly and without warning, leaving victims no time to prepare or seek legal help.

Protecting Yourself from Land Mafia Threats

Facing the land mafia is not easy. However, there are several steps you can take to protect yourself and your property assets from their threats:

Ensure land ownership. Before buying land, make sure that the land truly belongs to the seller. Check land certificates, deeds, and other documents to ensure their authenticity and legality. Do not hesitate to seek help from a notary or lawyer to verify these documents.

Process land certificates. If you have land that is not yet certified, immediately process the certificate. Land certificates are valid proof of ownership and can protect you from illegal claims. The certificate processing process may take time and money, but this is an investment worth protecting your assets.

Report illegal actions. If you feel you are a victim of the land mafia, report the incident to the police immediately. Do not hesitate to seek legal help and fight against these illegal actions. Remember, land is a valuable asset, and you have the right to protect it.

Maintain communication with neighbors. Neighbors can be a valuable source of information about land conditions and the surrounding environment. They can inform you if there are suspicious activities or changes in land status. Additionally, neighbors can also serve as witnesses in land disputes.

Follow legal developments and regulations. Land laws and regulations often change. Therefore, it is important for

you to always stay updated. With up-to-date knowledge, you can protect yourself from illegal practices and ensure that your land transactions always comply with applicable laws.

The land mafia is like a parasite gnawing at the property world. However, with knowledge, vigilance, and appropriate action, we can protect ourselves and our assets from their threats.

Do not let the land mafia ruin the future of our property. Let’s fight them with law and justice.

That’s it, Kisanak.

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