How to Smartly Avoid Property Scams by Unveiling the Marketing Tricks Used by Scammers

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Bagaiamana Cara Cerdas Menghindari Penipuan Properti dengan Membongkar Trik Marketing yang Dipakai Penipu
Bagaiamana Cara Cerdas Menghindari Penipuan Properti dengan Membongkar Trik Marketing yang Dipakai Penipu

jlk – Property is one of the business fields promising significant profits, but it’s also fraught with risks.

Many scammers seek to exploit consumers’ ignorance or carelessness to dishonestly gain profit.

What are the common property scam tactics? How can they be avoided and countered? Let’s explore the following analysis.

Land mafia is a term for groups of people who commit fraud against landowners using fake documents, violence, or intimidation.

They usually target lands that have not been converted to the National Land Agency’s (BPN) ownership certificate, such as vacant land or disputed land.

They create fake land certificates and submit them as genuine to the BPN. These land certificates are often used by the mafia to evict residents who have been living on the land for years.

Moreover, it’s not uncommon for land mafias to sue the original owners in administrative court using fake documents and certificates.

How to avoid land mafia scams? First, make sure you have valid and complete land documents, such as ownership certificates, land certificates, or survey letters. Second, verify the authenticity of your land documents at the local BPN office.

Third, don’t easily fall for cheap land purchase offers without examining the documents and land location.

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Fourth, if you feel like a victim of land mafia fraud, immediately report it to the police or prosecutor’s office with strong evidence.

House Purchase Scam Tactics: Don’t Fall Victim

House purchase scams also frequently occur, both from the seller’s and buyer’s sides. There are several house purchase scam tactics to be wary of, including:

Sellers using fake identities or documents to make transactions appear legitimate. They often claim to be the house owners or representatives of developers selling houses at discounted prices. They ask for down payments from buyers and then disappear.

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Buyers using fake identities or documents to make transactions appear legitimate. They often use fake checks or other illegal payment methods. They also frequently delay payments or change contracts to create uncertainty.

How to avoid house purchase scams? First, ensure you survey the location and condition of the house you want to buy.

Second, make transactions with authorized and trustworthy parties, such as real estate agents, notaries, or banks.

Third, ensure you have valid and complete transaction documents, such as sales and purchase agreements, receipts, or deeds of sale.

Fourth, ensure you make payments through secure and legitimate methods, such as bank transfers, cashier’s checks, or credit cards.

Property Marketing Tricks: Don’t Be Fooled by Sweet Promises

Property marketing is a marketing activity focused on a more specific business niche, namely residential or other construction forms.

Property marketing poses its own challenges because its market share is specific and influenced by economic factors.

Therefore, many property marketers use various tricks to attract consumer interest, such as:

Using Shariah, halal, or other labels that create a positive impression. However, these labels do not always guarantee the quality or authenticity of the property products offered.

Offering cheap prices, discounts, or attractive promotions. However, these prices may not correspond to market value or may have undisclosed additional costs.

How to avoid property marketing tricks? First, don’t be swayed by labels, prices, or promotions offered.

Property scams are something that consumers who want to buy or sell property should be wary of. There are many property scam tactics that often occur, such as land mafia, house purchase scams, or property marketing tricks.

To avoid and counter property scams, consumers must be cautious, thorough, and smart in their transactions. Don’t easily be tempted by offers that seem too good to be true. Make sure you have valid documents and transact with trustworthy parties.

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